Sunday Services

Our Sunday services are a mix of formal, informal, and conversational formats.

Our formal services are held in the sanctuary.  They usually include

  • words of welcome and inspiration, followed by the lighting of the flaming chalice, the symbol of our faith
  • one or two hymns
  • an opportunity for participants to share personal joys and concerns, followed by a brief meditation
  • a sermon or program by our minister, a guest speaker, or a member of the congregation, followed by comments and discussion
  • an offering to support the work of the congregation
  • a reading or meditation to close the service, followed by the unison singing of “Shalom”

Roundtable services take place in the social hall.  They are discussion-based considerations of a specific theme.

Coffee & conversation gatherings occur on holiday weekends and the fifth Sundays of the month.


Special Services

We also celebrate two special services during the year. “Flower Communion” is usually held early in June, a lovely ceremony using flowers to honor both our uniqueness as individuals and the beauty of the congregation as a whole. At the end of August, we hold “Water Communion,” celebrating our gathering back together after the summer by mingling waters from our various summer experiences. Both are joyous and moving occasions.

Because the summers in Laramie offer glorious opportunities for enjoying the mountains that surround us, we often schedule hikes and other outdoor activities on Sundays in the summer.


At present, all our services are offered both in person and online via the UU Laramie Zoom room. Information on accessing the services is shown on the website home page and in the monthly newsletter.