
You can now attend our Sunday services either in person or on Zoom.

The UUFL Zoom room # is 290 700 5294.


Services in February 2025

February 2nd, 10 am, Roundtable discussion: Groundhog Day: More Than a Movie led by Nancy Lockwood and Barbara Bogart. February 2 is a turning point in the seasonal swing of the earth, when the sun begins to strengthen again. It calls us to consider what we hope for as winter melts into spring (eventually). And just as the groundhog’s shadow may or may not appear, what are we willing to leave to chance?

February 9th, 10 am, Formal service: Great Expectations: Preparing for disappointment on our
search for truth and meaning
led by Maya Gilmore. In this talk, Maya Gilmore will discuss the pitfalls and power of expectations. They can help us achieve our dreams – or keep us paralyzed. How do we understand what we expect (and why), deal with disappointment, and keep hoping for the best, even when the outlook seems grim?

February 16th, 10 am, Roundtable discussion: The Power of Love led by Linda Meeker. Join Linda Meeker in a lively conversation about this season of love and the obligations it might bring. What does it mean to act out of love, or to love thy neighbor as thyself? At the UUA’s General Assembly of 2024, it was decided that
the Seven Principles would be replaced by a “love-centered” approach to theology and worship. Does this reflect your current belief system, or compel you to act or think differently about our religion? To quote the revered sage, Tina Turner, What’s love got to do with it? And if you want to bring any unwanted Valentine’s Day candy or gifts to donate to the experience, that’s OK too.

February 23rd, 4:30 pm (note the time), Formal service: The Spiritual Nature of Presence, led by Victor Ashear. Victor Ashear, PhD, from the UU Fellowship of Sheridan will present “The Spiritual Nature of Presence.” The message expresses the idea that the practice of presence is open to all regardless of your belief system. When practiced at a deep level, presence is transformative in that it desolates the boundaries between subject and object. Dr. Ashear will offer three perspectives to illustrate this. There will be a potluck following the service.

Chocolate Fiesta, February 8th, 2025 – Recipient: League of Women Voters
Call for volunteers for the 2025 Chocolate Fiesta! This year’s event is Saturday, February 8th. A range of opportunities are available such as pricing items, cashiers, setup, and advertising. Most of all, we need your chocolate confectionery and baking skills! Please contact Sara Saulcy at 307-247-2911 (call or text) or via email at s.saulcy@gmail.com with questions or concerns. Let’s make this year’s Chocolate Fiesta the best ever!

Calendar for February 2025
*The next Board meeting is on February 11th at 5 pm at the Fellowship.
*The next Program Committee meeting is on February 15th at 5:00 pm live and on Zoom.
*Contemplative Yarns meets Saturdays in the Fellowship Hall at 1:15 pm. We meet at the same time at Harbon Park kitty-corner from the Fellowship when the weather is nice. Please contact Sara Saulcy at s.saulcy@gmail.com for more information.

The 2024-2025 elected Board officers are: Linda Meeker and Jeff Lockwood, Co-Chairs; Robin Chestek, Secretary, and David Perry, Treasurer. Member-at-large is Sara Saulcy.


To help us keep track of our activities, we maintain a monthly calendar and produce a monthly newsletter.  The calendar covers committee meetings and other congregational events. To have an event included on the calendar, please contact David Perry at dperry@uwyo.edu.

The newsletter provides descriptions of upcoming services, messages from the board and the minister, and news of congregational and members’ activities. To submit information to the newsletter, contact  uularamienews@gmail.com.

Our building is available for use by outside groups, subject to the board’s current policy.  To reserve the building, contact David Perry at dperry@uwyo.edu.